Community Meetings January 2017

Friends of Harvey Milk Plaza hosted two Community Meetings in January 2017 to hear from the community their ideas about "Reimagining Harvey Milk Plaza". The information gathered from these two meetings was included in the design competition guidelines so that the designs created during the competition would be in response to the community's ideas for the reimagined plaza.




Brainstorming Charrette Activity

There were three tables, each representing an aspect of the existing site: Plaza Design, Accessibility, and Memorial. All participants were invited to share their impressions of each a topic 


Brainstorming Charrette Table Notes

Each table represented one of three elements of the existing site: Plaza Design, Accessibility, and Memorial. The input gathered from the community at each table was folded into the "Competition Brief", a document provided to each entrant in the competition, intended to provide guidelines for their work. This ensured that each entrant in the competition was responding directly to the community's desires for the reimagined Harvey Milk Plaza, as well as real-world parameters provided by SFMTA and SF Arts Commission.

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Synthesis of Community Meeting Feedback

The following report was generated by Perkins Eastman, to summarize the conversation that occurred into themes.

2017-Community Meeting Synthesis summary slide.jpg

Next Step

January 27, 2018 Community Meeting begins the first stage of "participatory" concept design with architect, Perkins Eastman!
